Xzodik's World

Let's you into my deepest thoughts and secrets. Takes you on a journey through the mind of me as I discover myself in an entire new light!! So sit back and enjoy

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My "Other" Family

I always knew that my mom was adopted but never knew why or who her actual birth parents are. So after my mom had passed I found that she actualyly found out who were birth parents were and we were all supposed to take a trip that summer to see them. My dad never knew this because her "aunt" had kept the information from him because they dont get along and she knew that I never would've found out. So needless to say now that I am on my own, I have been in contact with them, barely understand them but I keep in contact. LOL, I know you're like how you barely understand them? That's because her birth parents aren't actually American, her mom is Jamaican and her dad is Dominican Republican. Now, they knew about us and had pictures and everything. So, I finally got to talk to my grandmother again today and I asked what happened. Well, she came to America illegally but somehow obtained a work visa to stay around. At work she met my abuelo and they fell in love, she got pregnant, blah blah blah. Shortly after she had my mom her work visa expired and she had to go back to Jamaica but because my mom was born here she was a citizen... So in order for my mom to have a decent chance at life she put her up for adoption and went back to Jamaica. She later came back for her but she had already been adopted. So now back to the present, my grandmother still resides in Jamaica along with 3 of my aunts and 2 uncles. My abuelo is back in the DR, he has two other children with whom I cant communicate with cause their espanol and my espanol is two totally different things,lol. Soon hopefully in the summer my aunts and uncles and grandmother will travel to Flordia and I will finally get to meet them... YAY!!! Now, I understand why one of my friend's mother who is hispanic looked at me and told me that I wasn't fully black. I kind of looked at her like she was crazy but never understood why she said it. Ever since I been here no matter who came in contact with me, always asked what I was mixed with and I couldnt figure why everyone kept saying it. Something bout red undertones in my skin, my hair is too soft( I can go two months without a perm and no one would know), etc. It's just weird how people knew and I never did. Just thought I was 100% negro, so now Im 1/2 black, 1/4 Jamaican. and 1/4 Dominican I think.. Im not sure, help!!!

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