Xzodik's World

Let's you into my deepest thoughts and secrets. Takes you on a journey through the mind of me as I discover myself in an entire new light!! So sit back and enjoy

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Release

I just need to release the thoughts that are in my mind, they are driving me crazy. Screaming to be let out. My world is upside down right now and I’m not sure if I can fix it. I put on a smile and go about my day as if nothing is wrong when deep down inside my world is tumbling down. Chaos surrounds me, people aren’t happy and I just hate to come back to this house. There is no love. Its amazing how there’s a house full of people and I can feel all alone. I’m secluded, withdrawn, and just unhappy. I retreat to my room and stay to myself. No one can be trusted; everything seems to come out all wrong. So much animosity and disgust. He hates her cause of the accusations, there is not really love. She hates him cause of what he’s done in the past and the fact that he cant be trusted. They hate me cause I’m not like them, I moved away to find myself and become a better person. I don’t argue and fight all the time like I used to. I don’t walk as angry as I used to be. I don’t hate anything but I strongly dislike the fact that there is so much animosity, disgust, distrust and all going on but yet in public they try to act like the perfect family but yet throw me under the bus to anyone. Yet because they don’t know me and they can only go by what you say then they think that it is true. Not once has anyone sat down and held a conversation with me about why I am the way I am here. So I turn to the alcohol to drown my problems not that I do it daily but when I do I just want to forget my problems and pretend that everything’s okay. That next morning when I come to a realization that I have to go back to my reality and everything is not okay I only sink deeper. School has been a major stress reliever for me but now that it’s over I don’t know what to do until the fall quarter starts. I don’t like being around the same people all the time because I know that they have their own problems. I have my own demons that I’m trying to work on and this façade that I put on is weighing my down. So what will be my release now? Writing, music, just getting away.. I don’t know but only time will tell… I sit and think of how happy I once was and how I would love to get back to the point but first I have to pull out of this mess. This place is bringing me down… I’m not myself when I’m here, its hard to be that surrounded by all of this. So amidst all the drama, hate and disgust how do I get back there in that happy place? I’m not this sad, closed off person that I used to be… I left her back in 07 but when I’m here she seems to creep back… I know that I only turn to my God when I feel like I cant go on, I know that he’s there and I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve been out of touch, I want that connection back with him and maybe just maybe I could start to pull my life back together again.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A thought

I miss him. The late night convos over the phone, IM, texts or whatever the case. Just seeing his texts when I first wake up in the morning. He was always there to listen whenever I needed to vent and just get some things off my chest. We talked about any and everything, it just felt good to have that someone of the opposite sex to talk to. Even though we had some datable topics at times and were on opposite sides of the spectrum, it was nice to have an intellectual conversation sometimes. More than anything I just miss our friendship. There was something more there but we knew that it couldn’t work being in the situation that we were in but when you can have someone who you could just talk to for hours about any and everything that’s when you know you found a good friend. He even helped me study, and Lord knows if I truly wanted to be honest that I needed that extra push. There were times when I just didn’t feel like doing it, but he was always there to give me that extra boost. Even though I would probably never admit it to him, lol. I miss my “Yankee,” lol insider. But now he is gone

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Appreciating Black Love

Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago has a Married Couples Dance Ministry... When I saw this I got really happy cause this is something that doesnt happen every day... I love it and it just reminds me that there is true love out there and it can last check out the link

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Some thoughts

It’s 4 in the morning and I’m wide awake. I sit and think about the events that have occurred over the past few days. I can’t believe it, well wait let me take that back… I can!! For some reason I always expect stuff like this to happen, its happened all my life, so why stop now. Even with everything that has happened up til this point in my life its still something inside of me that won’t let me stop to think that this is what I deserve. I know that I deserve better and one day I might just find that one who will be my everything and treat me how I should be treated and more. It’s funny cause when you think that you have someone like that and then they turn out to be so different. I wouldn’t say that they got to that point all on their own, but its easier to go along with what’s familiar and easier access than to go along with something that one would be uncertain about what would happen. I get that but when I get told one thing and then the next day it’s a whole different story that’s BS… I mean I cant be mad cause we weren’t dating just friends whose relationship seemed to grow somehow, but still it kind of hurts. If it were me in that situation (which I have been in) I don’t know what I would’ve done. I can understand not wanting to hurt the other’s feelings but either way someone is going to get hurt through the lies and deceit, so why not be upfront about it? I guess that’s what gets me… no one means to hurt anyone but they do it anyway cause they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings… I’d rather someone be straight up about it with me, so I would know where I stand and I could move the fuck on… But it’s life and it doesn’t work like that all the time, but imagine if it did. One day these blogs will be of more happier spirits… when I am in a good mood I don’t tend to  write as much as I do when I have a lot of things on my mind. I’m no longer confused, I chalked it up as a lost and have to keep it moving… who knows what will happen in the future, but while I’m making my way there, I will continue to work on myself and do what I have to do in order for me to be a better person all around.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I thought that everything was cool… I mean we just called ourselves acquaintances. Yea the L word was said but if that was what you were feeling at the time who is to say that you were wrong… We were just talking, there were feelings there but we couldn’t actually see if anything was there. They lived up the coast and well me, I live in GA. I guess my views on things are a bit different from others. I’ve seen relationships ( if it ever got to that point) work from on two different coasts. It’s just the matter of time and effort one is willing to put in. Yes, I have to say that I’m a little hurt by this cause I actually cared for this person, but I guess things were moving to fast… I don't see how it was really moving that fast, we talked on the phone, text, and IMd every day but when you want to get to know someone that's what you do. Do you really have to meet someone in person to actually know them? I don't think physically seeing someone makes that big of a difference, if the feelings are already there then just being able to see that person makes the connection stronger. I guess me being a military spouse for a few years gave me a different perspective on a lot of things. Cause when you actually look at it you spend a lot of time apart from your spouse with all the training, deployments and everything how much do you really know about them? Not saying that its the same thing, its just this whole thing is confusing. I don’t know I can honestly say that i’ve had some really good things come out of long distance relationships so my opinion on if it can actually work or not is different. I just think that before one can say something about it, they should at least try it out. Not saying that long distance relationships are for everyone but I thought that maybe there would be more understanding or open mindedness. No pun intended when I say this *** one person’s opinion about what you’re doing in your life shouldn’t make you change your entire perspective.*** If that person made you happy whose to say that’s not right. If you couldn’t wait to talk to them or they were the last person you talked to before you went to bed, whose to say that ya’ll are moving to fast. For right now, it was all about getting to know each other. If you hit it off you just hit off. Now what if that coulda been someone that you coulda spent ya life with and you missed out on the opportunity. I dunno, everything happens for a reason.. I just wish that I could understand, I never will but its cool. I guess maybe I was hurt more than I thought, sorry for the rant. I just had to get this off of my chest. Now it’s time to clear my head!!!